Inclusion Africa is a key player at 5th CBR Conference
The Post-2015 Development Agenda and Community Based Inclusive Development in Africa: Inclusion Africa a key player at the 5th CBR Africa Conference
From 1-5 June in Nairobi, Kenya, the Community Based Rehabilitation Africa Network (CAN)), supported by CBM, Kenya Association for the Physically Handicapped (APDK) and the Government of Kenya hosted the 5th Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) Africa conference “CBR Guidelines: a Bridge to an Inclusive Society Beyond the 2015 Development Framework.”
The conference was a large success, with over 300 paticipants from 27 countries taking part in quality discussions around the implementation of the CBR Guidelines since their launch in 2010 and an examination how implementation of CBR programmes that address the needs of persons with disabilities can make a contribution towards achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGS).
The conference identified the evidence of good practices and lessons learnt as well as remaining gaps and challenges including emerging issues and priorities for the future, with particular emphasis on SDGs, to advance the inclusion of all persons with disabilities in all development sectors.
Inclusion Africa’s Role
Inclusion Africa, represented by Shikuku Obosi, was a key member of the conference planning team and maintained the role during the development of the Resolutions and closing ceremony.The outcome of these discussions is an impressive Resolutions paper developed by a team of 7 CBR Practitioners, NGO professionals and persons with disabilities.

Shikuku Obosi ( standing) presenting the Resolutions at
the closing ceremony
Shikuku Obosi was a member of the Resolutions development team. Shikuku successfully influenced the draft text of the Resolutions to include the following pieces:
- All CBR stakeholders should recognize and promote the active participation, involvement and ownership of all phases of CBR programmes by Disabled Peoples Organizations (DPOs) as well as Family-based Organizations of persons with disabilities
As a result of his balanced approach to co-editing the draft to include essential elements of the deliberations, Shikuku was asked to officially present the text at the closing ceremony.